Entries by Florence Dominique

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La Boulangerie Française: success in paving the way for the next generations

The bakery schools La Boulangerie Française in Vietnam and Myanmar are part of a vocational training project by the European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD), that offers young women and men from underprivileged backgrounds training opportunities to become professional bakers. Among various career choices in renowned hotels, resorts, bake shops and restaurants, some of the alumni chose to come-back to the La Boulangerie Française as trainers after their graduation to transfer their skills to the next generation of students.

2020 Annual report

The IECD 2020 annual report is available online! The 2020 harvest was fruitful despite the difficult context last year. The IECD has continued to progress and respond successfully to the growing needs of an ever-increasing number of people: 17,000 young people in training, 3,500 direct beneficiaries of entrepreneurship projects, and 3,200 direct beneficiaries of educational programs.

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Ten years of the Syrian Crisis, A Relentless Effort to Move Forward

It has been a decade since the Syrian war started. The crisis has created significant economic damage, notably in terms of poverty and unemployment. For the past ten years, the IECD has empowered Syrian youth through vocational training and support toward professional integration.

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In Lebanon, initiation to music workshops to promote children’s personal development

This summer, the Janah socio-educational center organizes 105 musical initiation sessions in collaboration with the Al Kamandjâti music association. The students of all EB1 to EB6 classes can now participate in the 60-minutes musical initiation workshop during their recreation time. The sessions wish to offer the children a fun musical education while supporting their psychological development.

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Launching of “Maharat Li Loubnan 2” project, sustained support towards vulnerable populations in Lebanon

Over 3 years, the IECD, AFD, and Semeurs d’Avenir, will empower over 1,165 disadvantaged people through short and long training courses and 550 entrepreneurs by providing multidimensional support. The “Maharat Li Loubnan 2” (Skills for Lebanon 2) project aims to extend the positive impacts of the previous project implemented since 2017 by addressing the multiple crises that Lebanon is currently experiencing.

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Vietnam: Celebrating youth growth into professional bakers

Seventeen students celebrated their graduation from La Boulangerie Francaise Ho Chi Minh City. Every year, the bakery school supported by the European Institute of Cooperation and Development (IECD) provides 20 young people from vulnerable backgrounds with technical and soft skills to be competent bakers and pastry chefs. Despite the challenging economic context due to the Covid-19, 85% of graduates have secured employment.