IECD Maroc, Association Heure Joyeuse



As soon as I joined this training, I learned several things, including how to help people in difficulty. I learned how to measure vital signs, do a complete bathe to the patients, mobilize them, do their bedding, and give first aid.


FAPAR apprentice

Aymeline Garnier

Health project manager


Morocco: Assistance for people with reduced autonomy training (FAPAR)

Context in Morocco

Young population in great difficulty. 28.5% of young people aged 15 to 24 are not in education, employment, or training (NEET), of which 76.5% are women.1

Aging population. 6% of the population was over 65 in 2014, estimated at 17% by 2050. 2

Lack of qualified professionals to help elderly, sick, or disabled people in their daily activities.

1 National Observatory for Human Development Morocco 2021

High Commission for Planning Morocco 2018

The vision of the project

Offer employment opportunities to young people in an auspicious sector in Morocco, by responding to a need of vulnerable people deprived of quality medico-social support.

The pedagogical keys

A 9-month training course to prepare professionals capable of helping the elderly and/or people with disabilities in daily life activities. The training offers 3 months of capacity-building followed by 6 months of work-study training in different structures, with the different public (center for people with disabilities, private clinics, chemotherapy center, retirement homes, orphanages …).

Stages of the training process

  • Stage 1

    Orientation session and soft skills training

  • Stage 2

    Technical training

  • Stage 3


  • Stage 4

    Assistance in job search

  • Stage 5

    Assistance for young professionals, if needed (continuing education, support for self-employment, etc.).