Training for trainers in Egypt.

The Don Bosco school in Onitsha in Nigeria.

Trainers and parents meeting at the Juk Spel school in Casablanca in Morocco.


In Egypt, Vietnam, Nigeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Ivory Coast, the training course in careers in energy, electricity and maintenance are developing at a brisk pace!

New partner schools, new sectors, the development of short versions, their recognition by state bodies, etc. the GDE programme is gaining in visibility and legitimacy!

In Egypt, two new technical high schools joined the programme in 2017, thus widening the programme to the city of Alexandria (the Ras El Soda senior school for boys, and El Wardian senior school for girls). The young people started the new school year with new training content, four completely renovated technical workshops and 56 teachers trained in new teaching methods.  The opening of a Career Guidance Office will ensure the link between young graduates and enterprises. It will facilitate their access to their first jobs.

In Vietnam, the official launch of the programme in Ho Chi Minh City, with Thu Duc College of Technology (TDC) and Ho Chi Minh City Technical and Economic College (HOTEC), will enable more than 1,400 young people to train in careers in electricity and vehicle maintenance by 2019.

In Nigeria, the partnership with the Institute for Industrial Technology in Lagos is producing offshoots: after the deployment of the programme in two Don Bosco schools in the towns of Akure and Onitsha, in 2017, the institute transfered its competences to the Don Bosco school in Ondo, thus leading to the opening of the first vocational section in electricity in this school.

In Lebanon, a new 3-year training course in the field of industrial maintenance, supported by the AFD, was accredited by the Lebanese government. At the start of the 2017 academic year, four technical schools each opened a class and will welcome a total of 60 pupils for the first year.

In Morocco, a new Career Guidance Office opened its doors at the Juk Spel technical school in Kénitra.

In Ivory Coast, a short 150-hour training course in construction electricity was tested for the first time at the technical center in Bonoua: designed for young job seekers, it reaches a new public and welcomed16 participants.

November 2017

The SOH programme launch in Ho-Chi-Minh-City in Vietnam.