Newsletter of the Support to small enterprises program

This month, the TPE newsletter of Madagasacr Enterprise Development focuses on the financial women empowerment as an essential vehicle for perennial economic development, drawing on the observation that two thirds of companies are created by women. However, there are many barriers to achieving this, and financial incomes from these activities have a limited growth potential.

Many initiatives today support women in the development of their activities, such as Madagascar Enterprise Development, which organizes training for and by women, and build relationships with local partners involved in promoting women empowerment.

Other examples in Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and the DRC to be discovered in this issue of October 2016, as well as the testimony of Bodo, manager and owner of “La Case” of France Volontaires in Madagascar.

October 2016


Manager and owner of  “La Case”, the house of France volunteers in Antananarivo.