The IECD is coordinator of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership “MedNC: a network for the successful integration of young NEETs”. The project supports the New Chance Mediterranean network’s missions and objectives. It aims at sharing and promoting the successful experiences in the region through a process of training and exchanges of good practices, the creation and diffusion of guide of good practices and the presentation of common information related to early school leavers who benefited from the project. The main objectives are :

  • to reinforce the capacity building of the members and encourage their exchanges
  • to identify and promote innovative and replicable initiatives and methods in the region
  • to improve the quality, reliability and transmission of information and communication between the members of the network

The project span from September 2018 to February 2020 and gathers the Italian VIS and CNOS-FAP association, the Portuguese second chance school AE2O, the Spanish network of second chance schools E2O España and the French network of second chance schools Réseau E2C.

Find out more about the key events and the results of the network and the partnership on the page of the MedNC network.


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