Lebanon (Saïda and region)


Foyer de la Providence
(Trait d’Union and Mosaik specialist school)



Teachers noticed writing difficulties in my two children. Fadi was aggressive with his classmates and talked all the time. Today, this is no longer the case and Amina, his sister, has better grades. We didn’t expect such good results! ″.


Teacher at the Beit Aftal al Somoud nursery school

LEBANON : inclusive education so that disabled children integrate regular schools

The resource and guidance center Trait d’Union has trained teachers from partner Lebanese and Palestinian schools since 2010 in an inclusive educational approach: founded on a respect for differences, it is adapted to the specific characteristics of each individual. In 2017, 15 trainers were certified by the INSHEA (Institut national supérieur de formation et de recherche pour l’éducation des jeunes handicapés et les enseignements adaptés). Trait d’Union also trains the general public, parents, and healthcare professionals to detect learning and behavioral difficulties.

The IECD supports the Foyer de la Providence in the development of the Mosaik specialist school, the school for children with complex learning and behavioral disorders. Supported by a multi-disciplinary team of 34 educators and specialists, the school provides good quality education for 82 pupils. The work carried out in 2017 completed the fitting out of 10 classrooms and special rooms for speech therapy and psychomotor activities. The school will be able to welcome 40 extra students as of 2018.

The inclusive approach helps schools to adapt to differences and promote diversity.

2017 results:

  • 120 teachers from 17 regular schools in the region of Saïda took part in inclusive education training (Trait d’Union) over 3 years, and 335 other teachers and educators were trained in practices.
  • 141 children benefited from screening and care.
  • 58 healthcare professionals were informed about the detection of learning and behavioral disorders.